Does this sound like you?
Being a parent is probably the hardest job on the planet! Parents are constantly bombarded with contradicting information about how to best raise their children. Whether from friends, family members, or the overwhelming world wide web, much of the advice parents receive isn’t based in the decades of research that we have on child development. Because of this, I often meet parents when they’ve gotten to the point where they feel like they’re spinning in circles, attempting to try all of the latest parenting strategies that often just don’t feel good.
One thing I know is true: parents really, really love their kids.
And sometimes, this love has them reaching for every new technique that they learn about. But what if I told you that what your child needs has always been within you? Traditional, behaviour-based parenting eliminates a parent’s natural ability to connect with and emotionally support their child in ways that they need it most.

Parent Coaching can help you:
My approach to parent coaching is rooted in the decades of research we have on the importance of strong attachments between children and their caregivers.
We know that children who develop a secure attachment with their parents tend to grow up as well-adjusted, independent adults who experience positive self-esteem, maintain healthy relationships and appropriately regulate their emotions. A secure parent-child attachment is one where parents are emotionally responsive, meet their child’s needs for connection, set limits and boundaries, and most importantly, trust their intuition and parent in a way that feels good for both them, and their child.

Erica Preville, MSc | Registered Psychotherapist