Does this resonate with you?
You’re allowed to put yourself first, and I want to help you get there.
People pleasing often feels like a never-ending cycle of prioritizing the wants and needs of others and forgetting the wants and needs of ourselves. This cycle can be difficult to break because intense feelings of guilt and anxiety keep it going until we feel exhausted or in some cases, resentful of our people. Those who struggle with people pleasing often feel anxious when they think about communicating their needs, saying “no” or setting boundaries. So, the cycle continues and they find themselves doing things that they don’t really want to do and not saying things that they actually want to say. People pleasing might also be impacting your self-esteem, anxiety, depression and energy levels.
You can have healthy, loving and fulfilling relationships while also prioritizing your own needs and wellbeing.
Your relationships with those you love are important – I get it! There is nothing wrong with caring about and wanting to support your loved ones. However, you might find that putting everyone else above yourself is leading to relationships that don’t feel so good.

What if you could honour and prioritize your relationships, without making your own needs an afterthought?

How Can Therapy Help?
Therapy for people pleasing can help you:
My approach to therapy for people pleasing involves first getting to the root of what’s causing these patterns and addressing the underlying factors.
For many, people pleasing may be rooted in childhood experiences where one was required to put the needs of others before their own. For others, these patterns developed later in life to cope with stressful environments, trauma, low self-worth or anxiety. Because people pleasing can result from so many different factors, therapy will look different for each person.
Tailoring therapy to your unique needs, circumstances and experiences means that you’ll get an individualized approach that focuses on your goals, and what you need to achieve them.

Erica Preville, MSc | Registered Psychotherapist